PDOS Features
Participatory Democracy Operating System offers major features to Citizens, Government, Members of Parliament (both houses), Municipal Councilors, Gram Panchayat's and local State and UT Governments. Some of the major features are listed below.
Members of Parliament
Direct interaction and ability to get feedback from Citizens on all scheme implementations. Get ranking from Citizens, your one stop shop during elections to get re-elected.
Citizens, Citizens & Citizens
Direct interaction with your MP, MLA & Municipal Councilors. Use it with your family & friends too. Share your participation through pictures, comments or emails.
Governing Agencies
Real time information updates helps Governing agencies take better decisions. Integratied communication and collaboration makes it even more appealing to agencies.
News & Media Organizations
Special subscription is available for News & Media organization to get the information right in to their Inbox. Getting information from across the globe with premium subcription.
We have released the pilot, which is still under testing: You can register too and get a feel of what's coming at PDOS Pilot (MPLADS Dashboard)
Renamed from TAP (Transparency & Accountability Platform) to PDDS to now PDOS - Participatory Democracy Operating System is going to include complete MPLADS activity for 15th Lok Sabha duration. All MP's - from Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha - MPLADS information will be released in scheduled time frame for Phase-I release. Members of Parliament for PDOS Phase-I release are selected at random.
Citizen centric functionality will be available from Phase-I and will be extended with more feature with every new phase release of PDOS. Ability to send work request suggestions to Member of Parliament of your constituency will be available from Phase-I.
Complete MPLADS life cycle work flow will be available from Phase-I for selected states, starting with Gujarat as the Model state for implementation. Phase-I will have functionality for these primary roles, namely Citizens, Members of Parliament, Nodal Distrcts, Executing & Implementing agencies, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation and CAG.
Training to users across the country via video channels or in-person scheduled classes.
With each new release of PDOS as beta release, we will move the earlier phase to released for production. These feature will have lot of data improvement drives across the country based on the performance of our pilot model state of Gujarat - to bring MPLADS complete functionality to more selected states. Approximately 5 more states will be included for details on MPLADS for 15th Lok Sabha duration.
Rajya Sabha Members inclusion for all MPLADS related activity during 15th Lok Sabha duration. Elected and Nominated members are included with relevant data to MPLADS.
Addtioned roles (users) will be added to the PDOS community. Data correction drives across the country where MPLADS activities are either under reported or not reported at all. Bug fixes and final release of Phase-I & Phase-II - taking them out of beta releases.
Inclusion of the remaining states for implementation on MPLADS. All states are going to be include upon Phase-2 beta release.
PDOS Future
Although the beginning of PDOS provides detail dashboards for Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme, our goal is to expand the same concept to other schemes. Primary research & design work is underway for two more schemes namely BRGF - Backward Region Grant Fund and RBH - Rural Business Hub related dashboards and empowering Citizens to participate with ease.
From sector coverage, our primary research is underway for scheme implementations in Health & Sports sectors. More details will be released soon.
Success of democracy is impossible without participation of the people
Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi